"New" Tags for Episodes in EPG

Submitted by IceNine at

"New" Tags for Episodes in EPG
by IceNine

I'm wondering if it is possible to include some additional tags in the EPG. 
For instance:
Here is the guide for what's on CNN right now using EPG guide
[Image: zZuX4zS.png]

Here's the guide using Verizon FIOs TVEverywhere login in Channels DVR
[Image: 60bfABj.png]

Channels DVR uses these tags to control configuring and recording upcoming shows.  The top on is a series pass using the TVe guide while the bottom one is EPG.best.  Notice how the top one shows 45 upcoming recordings while EPS shows none
[Image: X7dkpEf.png]

Is this possible at all?

Epg Admin
We have premiere and replay tags, where the channel provides those tags.
Unfortunately the system is absolutely unflexible in this regard and we can not add a "new" tag to the data even if such a tag is available.

The only thing I can do, to add the "premiere" tag to the shows where it is marked as new.

For that I would need to know which CNN version this is as we have 18 CNN channels from 15 countries.

I don't particularly care about CNN, Just chose it because it was the only channel I had that overlapped between EPG and TVe. I only have some local channels that I care about. WVIT.us, WEDH.us, CNBC.US, MSNBC.us since NBC stopped supporting TVe.

Thanks for the help.

Epg Admin
For most of the US channels the "new" tag (where available) is replaced with the "premiere" tag.

Please set up your system by using the premiere tag instead of new.

Is it supposed to be shown anywhere in the guide?  I've re-downloaded the xml but still don't see any new tags.
[Image: D1UCenK.png]

Epg Admin
As I said, you will see a "premiere" tag where a "new" tag was offered by the channel.

This doesn't mean that you will see the premiere tag everywhere.

Actually very few channels offer these tags.

Most of the US channels are taken from a source which offers the "new" tag, but not always nor for all channels.

It is possible that from 1748 US channels 1000 use that source and from the 1000 channels only 20 uses the "new" tag and also possible that those 20 channels provide the tag only for 10 shows a day out of 50.

I don't know.
I surely won't waste time on finding out.

I also don't know if your system even can handle the "premiere" tag and display it from the xml.

Please read the FAQ about the data.

We do not create the data. We get the data from sources and we process the data for your convenience.

You get what we get.

If it isn't enough for you, then you need to look somewhere else.

And with this I am closing this thread and moving it to "declined requests".

Btw I don't know what kind of display that is what you screenshot here, but you are not allowed to share the data with anybody in any way. That means you are not allowed to show our data on a website!

Please read the Terms of Use!


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