06-23-2018, 02:30 AM
A nice feature would be the ability to toggle/add lcn into the epg. Some application will then use lcn as the channel # vs channel id from the epg. That lcn number could be taken from the m3u's tvg-chno . Then lang could be taken directly from the epg itself.
Example of a channel with it and one without.
A nice feature would be the ability to toggle/add lcn into the epg. Some application will then use lcn as the channel # vs channel id from the epg. That lcn number could be taken from the m3u's tvg-chno . Then lang could be taken directly from the epg itself.
<channel id="AandE.us">
<display-name lang="en">A&E US</display-name>
<lcn lang="en">1</lcn>
<icon src="http://static.iptv-epg.com/us/AandE.us.png"/></channel>
Example of a channel with it and one without.