Ok.... If I load a M3U file in order to check the new features, I wont be having the problem of going back to my full channel list as I did yesterday ?
Can you add a way to enter a epg id into the m3u to allow it to be found if its suggestion is not correct? Also, would it be possible to add the epg id to the list when browsing the channels available?
When I add my M3U from a link and edit it like I want it does it sync to get updates like when channels are added or removed and update EPG for IPTV M3U link that I edited
(07-04-2017, 03:29 PM)rmoore41 Wrote: When I add my M3U from a link and edit it like I want it does it sync to get updates like when channels are added or removed and update EPG for IPTV M3U link that I edited
Not yet.
We will add the autoupdate function probably this week.
The editor also will change a bit so it will autoselect your channels which you have the right tvg-id for, so you don't have to do it manually.