[ADDED] USA - Locals

Submitted by johnadams at

[ADDED] USA - Locals
by johnadams
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Can you add the following USA chans for EPG:

ABC Chicago HD  
ABC Dallas HD  
ABC Houston HD  
ABC Los Angeles HD
ABC Miami HD
CBS Atlanta HD
CBS Chicago HD  
CBS Detriot HD  
CBS Houston HD  
CBS Los Angeles HD  
CBS Miami HD  
CBS New York HD
NBC Chicago HD  
NBC Dallas HD  
NBC Houston HD  
NBC Los Angeles HD  
NBC Miami HD
NBC Philadelphia HD
FOX Atlanta HD  
FOX Chicago HD  
FOX Dallas HD  
FOX Houston HD  
FOX Miami HD  
FOX New York HD

Epg Admin
Sorry, no.
They have most probably the same programming, just the local news are different.

We won't waste resources on grabbing and processing the same data 20 times.

(10-06-2017, 09:12 AM)Epg Admin Wrote: Sorry, no.
They have most probably the same programming, just the local news are different.

We won't waste resources on grabbing and processing the same data 20 times.

I can certainly understand your reasons for not wanting to provide a bunch of local affiliate channels. 
Local channels in the USA do not run the same programming for the vast majority of the day. In fact,  from 7am - 10 am , 6:30pm, from 8PM to 11pm, and then finally from 11:30pm to 1:30am are the ONLY times when the networks run the same thing. Only 8.5 hours out of 24 are the same. For the remainder of the day, each local affiliate has control over their programming and every single affiliate will have a very different line up. They do not sync up in anyway outside of those 8 1/2 hours. 

That said, it certainly would be tedium and a real pain to attempt to find EPG for every affiliate. 

I'd love to convince you, however, that there would be GREAT VALUE in providing the EPG for just ONE affliate in each time zone.  
Local channels like CBS in New York and the CBS affliate in Boston DO at least share the same programming schedule for a portion of the day. However, for those of us who do not live in the eastern time zone, using the EPG data for CBS in New York (on the east coast) means, in fact that ZERO of the data is correct for us.  Even the times when the local channels do all show the same thing won't work for us west coast viewers, because all of the EPG data is off by 3 hours. (Since this is only the case for the major national broadcasters and not for cable channels, I can't time shift the epg for just a few channels)

If there is anyway you could be talked into choosing the major city in each time zone and providing the local channel EPG for ABC, NBC, Fox, and CBS in those cities, that would cover everyone. 
For example, I am in Seattle but if you were to provide the EPG data for all of the network affiliates in Los Angeles (KABC, KCBS, KNBC and whatever the Fox affiliate is) that would work for EVERYONE on the west coast, because we all do follow the same basic network schedule. 
For the mountain time zone, perhaps either the local affiliate in either Phoenix or in Denver (as they would still work for anyone in that timezone)
For central time zone, Chicago would be the largest and the EPG for those channels would work for a huge part of the country
You already have the east coast covered, because the entire east coast can use the New York or Philadelphia or Boston or Miami EPG that you already offer... but anyone in other parts of the country finds those useless.

I'm not even asking for my own local channels EPG. I don't live in any of those cities. This is just a suggestion for a way to provide local epg for the entire country vs just the east coast. 
One city in each time zone.
LA, Denver, Chicago

Would love it if you would consider a compromise like that.

Either way.... as always.... thank you SOOOO much for this awesome service you provide!

Epg Admin
Ok, you convinced me.
I don't really know US scheduling, so I mainly assumed that it'S the same programming, because it was always the case, when I checked scheduling for similar requests.

I will see what I can do, but it won't happen fast.

i already have all of these (i think) if u have tvpassport working.
i can post a file here or pm me.

Epg Admin
Thank you Blackbear, but I will try to do it myself.
Tv passport stopped working for me a long time ago :-)

Epg Admin
btw I just checked.
ABC has a few local channels already:

ABC 10 Miami US - ABC10WPLG.us
ABC 5 Puerto Rico US - ABC5WORA.us
ABC 7 Detroit US - ABC7WXYZ.us
ABC Boston US - ABCBoston.us

(10-21-2017, 12:07 AM)Epg Admin Wrote: btw I just checked.
ABC has a few local channels already:

ABC 10 Miami US - ABC10WPLG.us
ABC 5 Puerto Rico US - ABC5WORA.us
ABC 7 Detroit US - ABC7WXYZ.us
ABC Boston US - ABCBoston.us

Yes. And actually, since Detroit, NYC, Miami, and Boston are all in the Eastern time zone, all four of those are somewhat redundant. Even they will have some deviations because local channels get to program parts of the day independently. But all of the network-wide program will come on at the exact same time for all four of those channels (and any other channel on the east coast) 
LA, in the Pacific time zone, you will notice has totally different listings for times and programming. 

Im not sure where you are located, but it may be somewhat similar to the difference between BBC West Midlands vs BBC Yorkshire etc. ... IF BBC Yorkshire had local programming on for 60% of the day and was timeshifted by two hours because it ws in a different time zone than BBC West midlands. Except, in the US, we have HUNDREDS of local affiliates that all air variations in schedule for 60% of the day, joining the network for only 40%. WAY too much to ask of you.

So, essentially, with these ABC channel EPG listings, you have covered everyone on the west coast (with the LA station) and you have covered everyone on the east coast multiple times (because they can use any of the other --- Detroit, NYC, Miami, Boston  -- to show the network listings)
That still leaves out anyone in the two other time zones (central and mountain). Adding one ABC affiliate from each of those time zone ( for Central it could be Nashville, Chicago, Dallas, Houston, etc --- for Mountain it could be Denver, Salt Lake City, Phoenix, etc) that would cover 98% of viewers in the usa (poor folks in Hawaii and Alaska are on their own. ha ha)

Its a lot of work. I know. Unfortunately, we Americans do everything we can to make everything complicated.
You are a champ for all of the dedication you give to this service, Thank you so much!

this would be amazing add

Epg Admin


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