arabic channel epg request

Submitted by [email protected] at

arabic channel epg request
by [email protected]
Pleas add epg for arabic channels :

BBC Earth (Qattar)   { on Es'hail sat 25.5 east - 11064 V  27500 2/3 }
boomerang  (Qattar)   { on Es'hail sat 25.5 east - 11023  H  27500 2/3 }

Fox Crime (UAE)   { on Badr sat 26 east - 11727  H  27500 3/4 } No Data even on the official website
Fox Rewayat (UAE)   { on Badr sat 26 east - 11727  H  27500 3/4 } No Data even on the official website
MBC + Variety (UAE)   { on Badr sat 26 east - 12399  V  27500 3/4 } No such channel on the official site.

Al Mayadeen (lebanon)   { on Nile sat 7 west - 11392  V  27500 5/6 }

Thank You

Epg Admin
Boomerang MENA added to UAE, because MENA headquaters are in Dubai, not in Quatar.

Al Mayadeen is there, just broken.
Will be fixed soon.


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