M3U Not updating after edit

Submitted by GroupMaster at

M3U Not updating after edit
by GroupMaster
I removed a specific channel from a group. I verified 1000x that it is not listed in the group but this specific channel is clearly in the XML. I waited 5 minutes, 20 minutes then 2 hours and it is still in my iptv-epg m3u file. It will not go away.

#EXTINF:-1 tvg-id="" tvg-name="" tvg-logo="http://picon.helixhosting.ninja/1642.png" tvg-chno="228" channel-id="228" group-title="E-News",C-SPAN HD

Epg Admin
This is a bug. Next time please post it in the bug report forum.
You should rather contact us with your registered email address next time if you have account related issues, so we can actually look at your account.

I forwarded it to our programmers.
We will try to find out why it is happening and it will be fixed as soon as possible.


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